Reception: Sunday April 11 from 2-4 pm Please come join us and meet this talented husband and wife team. Currently on Exhibit Photography and Sculpture : A Marriage Work by Alfred and Lee Hutt Exhibit runs March 30 - April 30, 2010 Gallery Hours are Tues-Fri 11am - 2 pm Photography and Art were two of the forces that drew Alfred and Lee to each other when they first met. They married and together have traveled widely, pursuing these interests.
The show represents a selection of images that reflect the content of their work...mostly it is about people...a person, who captures the imagination by revealing a compelling aspect of themselves. Caught in the instant the shutter is pressed and then put on paper...or translated into clay in a longer but no less focused way. | VPC to honor Keith Sikes On May 14, 2010 the Valley Photo Center of Springfield will host a special reception in honor of Mr. Keith Sikes and present him with the Valley Photo Center Distinguished Service Award for his service and commitment to photography in Western Massachusetts. It's hard to believe that 10 years have gone by already since the first Valley Portfolio made headlines across western Massachusetts. The enormity of that undertaking and the resulting continuance of a gallery space for photographic artists was the brainchild of Mr. Keith Sikes, whose vision and dedication launched what is now known as the Valley Photo Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the photographic arts. Please come help us celebrate our 10th Anniversary and honor Keith Sikes on Friday May 14, 2010 from 6-8 pm. The reception is free and open to the public. The Valley Photo Center is located at 1500 Main Street Springfield, MA on the second floor.
| Spring Open Submission Show  Exhibit: May 11-June 11, 2010 Theme: "Life in the Valley" People, places, events? Show us your vision of life in our unique valley. Reception: Friday May 14 from 6-8 pm Remember - we will have a $300 BEST of SHOW award! First 2 submissions are $25/2, then just $10 each for additional images. You may submit at the following drop-off locations until April 30: IN-A-FLASH PHOTO Breckwood Blvd Springfield, MA HUNT'S PHOTO AND VIDEO Rte 9 Hadley, MA GICLEE OF NEW ENGLAND Main St Palmer, MA Or drop in by April 30 at the Valley Photo Center during gallery hours Tues-Fri 11am-2pm. Be sure to see "Photography & Scultpure: A Marriage" by Alfred and Lee Hutt! Drop-off in person Sat May 2 from 10 am - 12 pm Pick-up Sat June 12 from 10 am - 12 pm Submission forms are also available at drop-off locations or Looking forward to seeing you on our walls! | |
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