Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Opening Reception & Holiday Party

Valley Photo Center Newsletter
December 2009
In This Issue
Reception & Holiday Party
Raffle Winner
Nuvo Bank
Upcoming Shows
Join Our Mailing List
Dear Friends and Photography Enthusiasts,
The holidays are fast approaching, but we'll make everything just a little easier for you! Avoid the malls, forget electronics, and stop by the gallery for some easy holiday shopping! People love to receive artwork, and art lasts forever! It's never outdated!
Before things get too crazy for you, please take some time out to stop by and share a moment with friends here at the Valley Photo Center. Our holiday party is Thurs Dec 10 6-8 pm, and we'd love to see all of you!
Thank you all for your support during the past year. We certainly couldn't do it without you!
Wishing you all the happiest of holidays
and a splendid New Year!
Christine Pratt
Quick Links
Opening Reception & Holiday Party

Please come join us as we celebrate another year of wonderful photography together on Thursday Dec 10, 2009 from 6-8 pm!
This will be a splendid time with good friends, great images, music, laughter and hors d'oevres! What could be better?
Our current exhibit will be up until Dec 23, 2009 :
"Personal Journeys and more of Life's Great Mysteries"
Winner of the $300.00 Best of Show Award will be announced at the reception.
The Valley Photo Center is located at 1500 Main St Spfld, MA 01115
(2nd floor, Tower Square)
Hours are Tue-Fri 11 am -2 pm during exhibits
Phone number 413-781-1553
On street parking is free after 6 pm
A Special Thanks to Les Campbell for his incredible exhibit on the making of the Quabbin Reservoir last month!
Congratulations to our raffle winner Fred Stockton of Belchertown! Fred has won his choice of any of Les Campbell image hanging in the show! Yeah Fred!
Don't forget! Treat yourself with a visit to Les Campbell's Sky Meadow Studio!
Photo Gallery and Little Slide Theatre Fall 2009 Schedule

Gallery opens at 1 pm Sundays beginning October 18, 2009
Free Slide Presentations at 4:00 p.m. on Sundays listed below

All programs emphasize both the beauty and diversity of our world and are meant to be inspirational and uplifting. Two or more projectors are used to smoothly blend images, creating a feeling of motion while maintaining the wonderful clarity of detail and color intensity that can only be obtained through color slide projection. Seating is limited so early arrivals are suggested. Reservations will be accepted and held to 10 min before show time.

December 13, 2009- "Quabbin - For the Joy of It" (40 minutes). Quabbin's history, wildlife and scenery are blended with musical selections creating a tone poem of exceptional beauty and spirituality. A special moment is provided by a reading of "Reservations," a Quabbin inspired poem by poet Candace Curran of Athol.

The Gallery is located on Ballou Street, off Route 9 in Belchertown
½ mile east of Belchertown entrance to Windsor Dam
¼ mile west of Ware/Belchertown line (Swift River)
Artwork loaned to Nuvo Bank now at VPC
If you loaned your images to the community room at Nuvo Bank, they have all been returned to the Photo Center. Please contact Chris dkhorse@comcast.net or Gene g.elaford@verizon.net for assistance, or pick them up at the reception this Thurs eve!
Upcoming Shows
January 5 - Feb 5 : Lawrence Roy and Jessica Rosario
Feb 16 - March 19 : Robert Aller, Frank Ward, and David Prifti
March 30 - April 30 : Alfred and Lee Hutt
May 11 - June 11 : Open Submission -- "Life in the Valley"

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