Sunday, January 3, 2010

The VPC January 2009 Newsletter

Valley Photo Center Newsletter
January 2010
In This Issue
New Show Opens Jan 5
Upcoming Shows
Quick Links
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The ground has covered itself in a white blanket, the days are slowly beginning to lengthen, and I am finding more beauty in this winter than ever before. As winter slowly gives way to spring, we hope you will challenge and inspire yourself photographically with the fantastic exhibits we at the Valley Photo Center have lined up for this brand new decade.
Please plan on stopping by to say hello and until we see you in person, have a wonderful New Year!
Christine Pratt
New Show Opens Jan 5!
Come experience the work of three amazing artists from the
Hartford Art School.
Opening Reception is Thurs Jan 7th from 6-8 pm.
Lawrence Roy: American Beauty never underestimate...
"The 21st century is not even a decade old. Living in suburbia has many connotations depending on who occupies the residence. A home used to provide a sanctuary from life's demands in the past, allowing all kinds of freedom, it was called the American Dream. With blended families, divorce and health issues, the Hallmark idea of home is in transition..."

Jessica Rosario: Perceptionqueen bee
"As a young girl I was intrigued yet afraid of many usual childhood toys, such as the dolls and clowns that my friends played with. Images of these characters haunted both my waking life and dream state, and have now worked their way into my art...My images contain a touch of realism, distortion, and an element of fantasy. My work is comprised of self-portraits. Each portrait is different from the other and provides a portal into each character's individuality."
David Barsalou:
"In May of 2002 my wife Terry was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. She fought bravely for two and a half years, passing away peacefully at home on October 18, 2004. My recent work layers photographs and digital cyanotypes with text. Through experimentation and manipulation these images are combined into larger visual constructions. Removing pictures from their original context, transforms, and re-invents them. The images focus on my wife from childhood to her passing in 2004."
This show runs from Jan 5 to Feb 5, 2010.
Exhibit hours are Tues thru Fri from 11-2pm.
The Valley Photo Center is located at 1500 Main St, Springfield, MA 01115
(Tower Square -- 2nd Floor)
Phone number 413-781-1553
Congratulations to Donald David!
Donald was our most recent $300 prize winner in our Open Submission show entitled Personal Journeys and more of Life's Great Mysteries. His image "Beacon in an Approaching Storm" wowed us with its strong composition and drama.
Great job, Donald !
Upcoming Shows
Feb 16 - March 19 : Robert Aller, Frank Ward, and David Prifti
March 30 - April 30 : Alfred and Lee Hutt
May 11 - June 11 : Open Submission -- "Life in the Valley"

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